Maori Contribution to Birth Numbers
These maps were developed as part of the MBIE project CaDDANZ: Capturing the Diversity Dividend of Aotearoa/New Zealand. The raw data were drawn directly from Statistics New Zealand's Table VS011AA accessed from Infoshare, and the percentage calculations were made by Natalie Jackson ([email protected]).
Maori births = births for whom Maori was recorded as one ethnic group. In New Zealand, each birth is included in every ethnic group specified by the parent.
Births exclude late registrations under section 16 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995. Births are based on births registered in New Zealand to mothers resident in New Zealand by date of registration.
New Zealand area births data is not rebased when boundary changes occur. Data before 2006 are based on boundaries for the year of registration. Data for 2006-10 are on 2006 boundaries, 2011-12 on 2011 boundaries, 2013-17 on 2013 boundaries. From 2018, data are based on 2018 boundaries.
Figures for the Auckland Council for March, June, and September 2011 year are estimated using a combination of 2006 and 2011 boundaries. Data have been randomly rounded to three to protect confidentiality. Individual figures may not add up to totals.
Further reading
Cochrane W and I Pool (2017) Maori in New Zealand’s Contemporary Development. Policy Quarterly Supplement 13: 47-54.
Data Sources
The raw data for these maps were drawn directly from Statistics New Zealand's Table VS011AA accessed from Infoshare