Select area then period

These maps pertain to the Census Usually Resident Population. They illustrate where each of New Zealand’s territorial authority area’s internal migrants came from (Internal Arrivals), and went to (Internal Departures), between 2001-2006, 2008-2013, and 2013-2018, based on the Census question ‘where did you live five years ago?’ Here, percentage share of internal migration refers separately to the proportion of all internal arrivals to the selected territorial authority area from each other territorial authority area, and the proportion of all leavers from the selected area to each other territorial authority area, as indicated at the 2006, 2013 and 2018 censuses.

Shown in the accompanying information box are the number and proportion of people at each relevant census who were Stayers (people who were enumerated as residing in the same territorial authority area five years previously), Internal Arrivals (from another territorial authority area), Overseas Arrivals (living overseas five years previously), not born five years previously, or Internal Departures (people who moved to another territorial authority area). Net internal migration is also shown. Because the census does not enumerate people who are living overseas it is not possible to show net overseas migration (although approximations of net overseas migration are modelled for some other map sets). The number and proportion of people for whom address five years ago was not stated or unable to be defined or matched is also given. These numbers have been prorated across the ‘known’ Movers and Stayers (see i for methodological information).

The data to 2013 are drawn from the MBIE project Nga Tangata Oho Mairangi (NTOM) and have been converted for visualisation by the CaDDANZ Population Atlas research team. Data and maps for the 2013-2018 period have been developed as part of the CaDDANZ project. See for methodology.