Select urban place below

These graphs show trends in estimated usually resident population size for each urban place (towns and rural centres), with and without migration. The data were generated via a cohort component methodology (see information button), which applied fertility and survivorship rates to the base population (separately by age and sex) for each census year (time t) to derive an ‘expected’ population at t+5 years. The expected population was then compared with the actual population at t+5 years to derive a residual measure for migration (net migration = net change – natural increase). For ‘size with migration’, each successive base population included the compounding effects of fertility, survivorship and migration. For ‘size without migration’, each successive base population included the compounding effects of fertility and survivorship only.

Data to 2013 are drawn from the Royal Society Marsden project The ebbing of the human tide. What will it mean for the people? (project also known as Tai timu tangata. Taihoa e?) and converted for visualisation by the CaDDANZ Population Atlas research team. Data for the period 2013-2018 have been generated using the same methodology.

See for underlying methodology.