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These data are for the population aged 65+ years only, at each census.

With the exclusion of data for the Chatham Islands (where numbers were too small to disaggregate), these maps illustrate where movers aged 65+ years from each of New Zealand’s remaining 66 territorial authority areas came from (Internal Arrivals), and went to (Internal Departures), between 2001 and 2006, and 2008 and 2013, based on the Census question ‘where did you live five years ago?’.

The index ‘percentage share’ refers to the proportion of internal arrivals (aged 65+ years) from each other territorial authority area, enumerated as living in their new area at each census, and the proportion of leavers from that area to each other territorial authority area, in the same years.

Also shown in the accompanying information box to each map are the number and proportion of people aged 65+ years who were Stayers (people who were enumerated as residing in the same territorial authority area or region five years previously), the number and proportion living overseas five years previously and a summary of net internal migration (internal arrivals minus internal departures).

Because those living overseas at the time of the census cannot be enumerated, there are no equivalent data for overseas departures and thus neither net overseas migration nor Total Net Migration can be calculated. Note that for those aged 65+ years, arrival from overseas will in many cases mean ‘return from holiday’.

Key observations: The data indicate that the majority of Internal Arrivals aged 65+ years move to ‘sunbelt’ areas. This contrasts with the data for the total population where both Arrivals and Leavers tend to concentrate around the territorial authority area from which they came or went to, indicating the presence of labour market areas. See for additional detail and important methodological notes.